Jobs at Twin Lakes State Park

788 Twin Lakes Rd.
Green Bay, VA 23942
Phone: 434-392-3435

Current job openings

Seasonal and part-time positions

Our seasonal jobs are a great place to start if you're interested in a career in the parks. Maintenance jobs, customer service positions, and lifeguard positions are just a few examples of these jobs. In each case, you will get a taste of what a state park is like to work in.

Full time positions

State Park jobs

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About Twin Lakes State Park

In the heart of central Virginia, this 548-acre, historic park offers many cultural, environmental and recreational activities. Overnight accommodations include a 33-site campground and 11 climate-controlled cabins. Visitors enjoy swimming, fishing, hiking, boating and lakeside picnicking. The Cedar Crest Conference Center on Prince Edward Lake is available for weddings, family gatherings, retreats and business meetings.

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